Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Walking down shelves of tickets to great imagination, i found out what i anticipated my hands to grab hold of isn't in the regular preference today. I scanned through Pualo Coelho.. Nicholas Sparks, Dan Brown, David Baldacci and it just weren't the same. Like that part of obsession is over. Instead i'll flip through Marley and me kind of novels. The ones with the big 'W' and ends with a G or those with a dog on the cover where you fall inlove with the animal and it has to go in the end. Then right before that section seeps into your mind you remember to prepare a packet of tissue beside you. Yeah, that's for me.

So back to my life blanket by dreams. 2 days ago was my last at the Spa. Goodbye 9 hours of essential oil! I am.. quite.. relieved. Its not bad bad. It was actually a make-over experience. I get free this free that. And i'm late almost all the time and i still get free coffee. Well, its just 'not for me'. I mean.. i like how they use machines/tools/hands to create beauty but i'm more to brushes and pencils. So.. i decided to restart and join the rest of the kids in the yellow school bus with $20 in my wallet. I am way behind time and i think i saw a line or two near my eyes. Alan Herman said he's getting old when he couldn't remember the guy at their departure. I said i have forgotten where i placed my exams certificates. x

1 comment:

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